Introduction to corrosion-resistant alloy metal spray plating process.

Metal spraying is a process in which compressed air or inert gas is used to spray molten corrosion-resistant alloy metal onto the metal surface to form a protective coating. During metal spraying, the coating material is melted and atomized in a special spray sink or spray gun, and sprayed onto the base material. This finishing method is sometimes also called metal spraying. Oxygen-acetylene flame is usually used, but other gases are sometimes used. When the coated metal wire is automatically fed through the flame core, the metal wire melts and is atomized and sprayed onto the base material by the compressed air flow. Almost any metal that can be made into wire can be sprayed in this way. Another type of spray gun uses powdered material to eject through a flame. The advantage of this method is that it can not only spray metal, but also cermet composite materials, oxides and cemented carbide.

Surface preparation before spraying

Since the relationship between the coating material obtained by metal spraying and the base material is a simple mechanical relationship, the base material must be properly pre-treated. In order to obtain good mechanical contact. No matter what surface preparation method is chosen, the surface of the substrate must be hygienic and free of oil. The most commonly used surface preparation method is sandblasting. For this reason, the sand grains are sharp enough to produce a truly rough surface. For cylindrical surfaces that can be turned on a lathe, an effective method is to carve out very thick threads and then use a rolling tool to gently roll the top of the tooth. One improvement method that can be used on flat surfaces is to use a round grooving knife to cut a series of parallel grooves, and then use a knurling knife to grab the edges between the grooves. If the plated surface is to be machined, the base surface should be prepared by rough machining or grooving to obtain optimal preparation.

The use of metal spraying

Metal spraying has many important uses in product design. For example, zinc and aluminum can be sprayed onto the surface of steel to obtain a protective coating to achieve corrosion resistance. Because metal spraying can spray metal onto almost any metal or non-metallic surface, it provides a simple method of plating a conductive surface on poor conductors or non-conductors. For this purpose, copper is often used Or silver sprayed onto glass or plastic. Because sprayed metal can be treated in a variety of different ways, such as polishing, brushing, or preserving the sprayed condition, sprayed metal can be used as a decorative method in the product and construction industries.

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Post time: Feb-28-2024